2015年 発表論文実績
- Nagumo S ,Ebato M, Kurata M, Wakabayashi H, Shimojima H, Sato T, Hori Y, Suzuki H
A Case With Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Multiple Coronary Artery-Left Ventricular Fistulae, and a Morphological Structure Mimicking Left Ventricular Noncompaction: Statue of Cerberus or Double-Headed Eagle?
Circulation 131:2161-2163,2015
- 礒 良崇、小和板仁、北井仁美、玉木大輔、笹井正宏、前澤秀之、高橋哲也、橋本 通、三邊武幸、南雲さくら、久野越史、鈴木 洋
- 若月大輔、南雲さくら、下島 桐、礒 良崇、鈴木 洋
- Suzuki H
Different definition of microvascular angina.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 45:1360-1366, 2015
- 若林公平
日本冠疾患学会雑誌2 21(2):154-159,2015
- Iso Y, Kitai H, Suzuki H, et al. Association of aging with glomerular filtration changes in cardiac rehabilitation participants with chronic kidney disease.
International Journal of Cardiology 187:283-285 , 2015
- Iso Y, Suzuki H.
Exercise therapy for intermittent claudication in peripheral artery disease.
E-Journal of Cardiology Practice of the European Society of Cardiology 13:N14, 2015
- 高橋 哲也, 礒 良崇, 水間 正澄
理学療法 32: 484-493,2015
- Ebato M
Editorial: Bartonella species: Important cause of culture-negative endocarditis.
Journal of Cardiology Cases 13(1):4-5,2015
- Miyazaki T, Inoue K, Omiya S, Nagumo S, Kaneshima N, Kawashima E, Inoue Y, Yamano Y, Nakadate T, Yoshimura A
Prominent IgM deposition in glomerulus is associated with severe proteinuria and reduction it after combined treatment of tonsillectomy with steroid pulse therapy in patients with IgA nephropathy.
The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences 27(3):167-174,2015
- Wakabayashi K, Sato N, Kajimoto K, Minami Y, Mizuno M, Keida T, Asai K, Munakata R, Murai K, Sakata Y, Suzuki H, Takano T
Incidence and predictors of in-hospital non-cardiac death in patients with acute heart failure.
European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2015